Our Services

The Division’s activities and comprise four critical areas of expertise:

Sourcing and Supply Chains

Most developing countries lack the funding and technical expertise to attain effective control of their food supply needs. At Southern Foods we utilise our in-depth global knowledge, expertise and experience to introduce you to new foods and food sources, new suppliers, new ideas plus innovative, best practice solutions to many of the food supply problems developing countries face in today’s world.

We will also endeavour to understand how your food supply chain can work better by examining its performance in a comprehensive way and then applying an innovative mindset to every aspect of its operations for greatly improved outcomes. All with the aim of helping you adequately feed a growing population with high quality foods that reduce mortality rates and deliver high level nutritional benefits.

Finance and Management

As in any industry, money is the key driver to success. So are you getting the best possible outcomes for your food supply investments? At Southern Foods we believe that it’s always possible to achieve more food for less, and our finance experts could help you significantly improve your food supply outcomes and efficiencies and achieve a global competitive edge by:

  • Gaining access to new and improved marketplaces, finance and food sources
  • Helping reduce your administration, labour and production costs and improving efficiencies overall
  • Improving budgetary control
  • Improving financial reporting
  • Eliminating unnecessary risk and significantly increasing the impact of every dollar you spend on food supply and production

Delivery and Distribution

In addition to helping you expand your food supply operations into new territories globally, Southern Foods can also advise you on developing new and improved methods of global delivery and distribution designed to streamline costs, improve operating efficiencies, and cope with expanding regulations.

In the global food industry, transport and distribution costs comprise a huge part of any budget and we have the knowledge and expertise needed to help you significantly reduce these expenditures.

Research and Knowledge Transfer

Our expertise and intimate knowledge of all aspects of food supply and production provides us with an invaluable ‘market intelligence’ that could help you to meet your own food goals, no matter how ambitious they are. From current industry trends, to the latest developments in production, packaging, transport and logistics, a partnership with Southern Foods could give you a significant competitive advantage by helping you make better, more informed decisions. In addition, our global reach and coverage means you can be confident you are receiving the most up-to-date advice and best practice solutions available anywhere in the world